The Village Pond and Green at Mayford, Surrey


February 2002


Three quarters of the one million ponds recorded on maps  at the beginning of the century have now disappeared.  The village pond at Mayford, which can be found on 19th century maps of the area, had been filled in by the 1920s.


The Ponds Conservation Trust, established to rescue dying ponds and to promote new ones, supported the reconstruction of this pond  in September 1997.  Since then it has become a welcome home for much wildlife in the area.  This picture was taken on 28th February 2002 and if you know where to look, you can see an enormous mass of frog spawn.  It is half way up on the left hand side of the picture near the bottom of a blue piece of reflected sky.

This is part of the frogspawn referred to above.  It has been spawned about two weeks earlier than usual this year which probably reflects the mild February we have had. 

The gorse is out in abundance, adding a welcome bit of colour at this time of year.
On the side of the pond away from the roundabout there is a flowering tree.

March 2002

A week later, not much has changed.  Moles have been active here as can be seen from the extensive range of molehills.

Moles are to be found alongside Saunders Lane.  Fortunately, they haven't found my garden yet!

This shows the view from the pond looking towards the Mayford roundabout.  The daffodils are still looking beautiful - pity about the remains of the road works signs that have been left for several weeks after the work itself has finished.  I've avoided pictures that show them.
This shows the remains of an old track where a fox used to walk across the road by the bridge and then go towards the pond.  Unfortunately, he did it once too often and got run over.  The track is starting to disappear now.
It is now towards the end of March and the tadpoles have hatched out well.  You can see several here against the light brown background of the decaying leaf.  Let's hope for lots of frogs later in the year.
The white fronted house by the pond makes a most attractive backdrop.  Today was very still and the reflection of this house in the pond was delightful.  You can also see the pond plants are starting to grow in the middle of the pond where it is deepest.
As well as pond plants, there are several clumps of primroses currently in flower.  They seem to like the acid conditions in Mayford.
The gorse is still going strong.... (Gorse is in flower when kissing's in season!)
...and marsh marigold flowers on the pond's banks.
Celandine flourishes all over the pond and the area of the village green next to it....
...and by one of the trees can be found an interesting orange fungus.
The view towards the roundabout still looks good, although the daffodils are coming to the end of their flowering period now. (23rd March)
Finally for March, a picture of the Mayford roundabout without cars - not easy to come by during the day!